Holywood - Co. Down

55 High St,
Co Down
N. Ireland
BT18 9AB -
028- 9042 2588,

Richard mcauley
Thank you
Hello. Visited bar during August and greatly appreciated catching up with memories dating back over 50 years. Please reply. welcome any news from the strand and Carn end. Also holywood football team dating back to early 1960s. Hope to return early next year.
Name : William Hugh Wallace MatchettEmail :
Subject : Whatabout Brian & StaffMessage :
Greetings from Darwin, Northern Territory, AUS. Hope everyone is keeping well, and the weather not too bad with you. Great to see NED'S up in lights. Missing the Liffey Water & Craic, Best Regards to you all, Weather here we are into our Wet / Monsoon season, with a great deal of rain, un fortunately the rain is not going to some of our farmers who need it most !!. Bye for now, William Hugh Matchett.l
Hello to Brian from Mitch. :)
Greets from Mallorca.

Visitor_name = John Smiley
e-mail =
comments =
Its the only pub i miss haven't had a drink for 8 years. Hope to see you soon, life in Philly is good
Smiley Miley

visitor_name = Lu Mclaughlin
e-mail =
comments = Best bar in Holywood as far as my granda's concerned!!........Friendly staff 2!

Lu (Leitrim)
email =
Comment = Very good site, congratulations!
Name: Seamus Neeson
Email Address:
Great to see, just over 12 years since I pulled my last pint there seems like yesterday. Hope Brian and the boys are all well.
Still miss the craic. Good luck.

Name: Brian Carty
Email Address:
Just a note of thanks to Bill Scott for bringing in the wonderful poster from his Brother Clifford, and thanks to Clifford and Irene, hope you are all well
Name: JOE
Email Address:
hope all is well at neds................SEA THE STARS ,GREATEST HORSE EVER OR WAT.

visitor_name = ERNIE STEVENSON
e-mail =
comments = Hello just thought I'd drop you a few lines as I was looking up websites and came across yours again, I have been in the bar a few times when I come over to see my girlfriend, lucky now she is coming here to live with me but will always get back to Holywood for a pint in Neds bar ,all the best for now, pity you couldn't e-mail one of them pints of Guinness lol ,
take care, Ernie in Holland.

e-mail =
comments = Hiya,
used to go in Neds a couple of years ago with my ex girlfriend Jane Murray. of my life please say hello if you see her.
Dave Archer
Brian, I never knew about the Star and Garter despite living in Holywood for 30 years, any way happy new year to you and to all of the family.
See you soon
visitor_name = Brian Thompson
e-mail =
Like the wee update for the site, just like the Pints....keep 'em fresh.
Johnny Boy
Sydney, Oz
e-mail =
Hi all,
Website is top! Only thing missing the taste of the pint. What i would not give for a pint or 2 in Neds and a bit of craic with the lads after football on a Saturday. Can't wait to home again.

Laurence (flo)Graham
Bergen op Zoom,Holland
Hi everyone, Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. You will no doubt be serving Kerry a few pints while he is home for Christmas. Best wishes to all especially Pat & Morris etc Madeline & John

Kirrawee,Sydney Australia
To all at Ned's; Thank you all very much for your hospitality and great "craic" when Joanne and I visited you this week. We look forward to our next visit. Please say hello to Davey, Marie, Julie, Steven, Maria, Andy and Caroline next time they stop in agin. Cheers! Randy and Joanne Hall (nee McKinney)

Can't wait to hear those familiar words, "last orders please", "time gentlemen please" and if you are having a really good time, "have you no homes to go to". looking forward to getting a decent pint in NED's

To my friends in Holywood My name is Nuala McGuinness and I am better known as Anne Logan's wee sister. My family and I have now been in French speaking Montreal for almost two and and half years and today by chance I came across your web site. You cannot imagine how I felt when reading the Assembly poem. I can picture every one of the characters in my mind. I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. It is at times like this that I really feel homesick. Please say hi from me to the Logans the next time they drop in for a pint or two. Until my next visit home take care and God Bless.
Montreal, Canada
Hi, just surfing...
must visit pub if up north again, great craic the last time. Other members might like to know of the Hillman Avenger Club of Ireland
Thanks very much for the great times we had on our holiday to Holywood and for providing us with the best guinness in Northern Irleand. The craic was great!
Happy Christmas again from Nuala to all the girls in Neds. Sorry we've taken your entertainment; we'll leave her back in one piece. See you all soon,
North Wales
Ned's is up there in my top 10 bars of all time. I've been done with the 'plastic pint' trick (very funny), I've spent three very drunk and very talkative nights in there, learned of the folklore and characters, got served at table and enjoyed the best Guiness I've ever tasted. Big hello to Buggs, Barry 'Deep House' Funston, Michael Chambers and Johnny 'Mad Dog' Harrison. Always a pleasure, never a chore.

TIMJ ...........London
As soon as I step off the plane I head straight for Neds for a decent pint of Guinness! Great craic and always familiar faces, and of course waiter service second to none!

Bronagh Nixon
Finchley. London.
Enjoyed the Craic on Thurs.... looking for ward to next Thursday already!!!!

Tell Brian thanks for the glasses from every one in
San Diego.....
Pass my regards on to young Bernard

Michael Fealty
malachy duffy .keep the door open for me and "clarkey".
Tell everybody in Ned's in Holywood I wish them the best and hope to see all of you in the coming new year. Keep in touch.

Terry Mcilroy
DeSoto Co. School Bd.
Mississippi USA
Hi everyone,
Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. You will no doubt be serving Kerry a few pints while he is home for Christmas.
Best wishes to all especially Pat & Morris etc Madeline & John

Are you far away, and long for a decent pint of Guinness?. I most certainly am!!! Cheers mates; perhaps someday I'll be able to visit.

Lou Georgieff
San Antonio, Texas
Any chance of getting some of Neds special pints of guinness sent down to London for me and my Dad, Terry Graham to have over Christmas and New Year?! Merry X-mas to Brian, Raymond and Eamon and the rest of the staff & customers! See you in the New Year.
Happy New Year to any of my old mates who visit your premises.You still serve the best pint of Guinness in the North of Ireland. Pity you couldnt come down to OZ and show them how to pour a decent pint.
Best Wishes Billy Moffett ( ex resident)

What can you tell me about Arty Burns, who worked in Lynch's Bar for some years?

Hello again Brian, Raymond & Eamonn from Madeline & John Daly Sydney Australia.
You are certainly getting quite a few e-mails in your guest book. We still miss those great Friday nights in Ned's, Hope you are all keeping well Give our regards to everyone & please say hello to Louis Bannon and the lunchtime crowd. Hope its not too long to our next visit
Regards to all, Madeline & John

Hi Brian, Eamonn and Raymond (and of course everyone else whom I shook hands with over the weekend), I just wanted to say a big thank you for making me feel welcome and very at home, whilst I was at home over the weekend, visiting my dad. The craic was great, as was the Guiness (I will only drink Guiness in Ned's bar now - it doesn't taste right anywhere else.....I've tried it since I've been back - I now understand why my brother wanted me to bring back a barrel!). Looking forward to seeing you all again, sometime soon.
Best regards, Sharon Graham (Terry's daughter - Dad, I hope you've been behaving!!)

Brian, Eamonn and Raymond. I just found your website and almost died laughing, it's brilliant. I've told lots of my work colleagues here in Madison about Neds bar,and now they are going to be able to see it for themselves along with the unholy trinity!! Happy St Patricks day to you all. I will toast Neds Bar tonight at the local (although the bars here don't hold a candle to Ours)
Best Wishes Gary Shiels
Madison Wisconsin USA
ps If my Ma drops in this weekend tell her to buy a round of drink!

I would love to close the door of my flat in Clapham, take a five minute stroll and end up in Ned's. These London pubs have a lot to learn about service, craic, Guinness, and more importantly, what time to stop serving at!
See you all when I'm next home,
xx Claire (Tully)

To all at Ned's; Thank you all very much for your hospitality and great "craic" when Joanne and I visited you this week. We look forward to our next visit. Please say hello to Davey, Marie, Julie, Steven, Maria, Andy and Caroline next time they stop in agin. Cheers! Randy and Joanne Hall (nee McKinney)

Place: A stool if Ican get one !
Nice 2 c ur mvng wth the tmes ! Congrats on ur wbste . When r u going 2 start selling DULSE !!! And give KILBY his own key ?!!
Regards SYD.

Name: John (Tony) wagner.
Place: Derbyshire.
I will be pleased to come back yet again if only to take the mick out of Raymond. Regards to Brian & Eamonn,

Name: Claire Tully
Place: New Orleans, La. United States
Hi! Did a Google search for me Claire Tully
and came across this ssite. I am an Interior Designer
in New Orleans, La. I completed the Ritz Carlton Hotel
for the opening Oct 6th 2001 and the Ritz's Iberville Suites.
I have 2 daughters 1 deceased (Lauren) and Colleen
who lives in New Haven Ct with her Husband and
my new grandson Graham Tully Elmore.
Hope to one day visit Ireland.
Name: Brian thompson
Remote User:
Date: 20 Nov 2002
Time: 22:07:07
Hi Brian. Popped in yesterday on a fleeting visit. Seeing my old mum in Bangor. Sorry I missed you. regards to Raymond.Hope you and yours are well and enjoyig life. hope the cough gets better,
God Bless, Regards

Remote User:
Date: 21 Nov 2002
Time: 19:17:09
raymond must be listening? ( he can hear the grass grow??) pints of mister frosty better tonight well done raymondo No 1 pint !!!!!

Name: Taff Lewis
Remote User:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
Time: 15:50:34
what a marvellous time my wife and i had in Neds'at the end of October 2002,Brian made us so welcome,i promised him i will return one day,to such a wonderful place.Well that time has come rather quick,see you next week Brian.
All the Best ROGER.

Name: Marie Cruickshank( Delaney)
Place: Nairn, near Inverness, Scotland
Hi Brian. I have just looked up your great website.You haven't even a grey hair on your head!!! It is very interesting & certainly puts Holywood( city of the stars!!) on the map!Today on the BBC Saturday Kitchen programme, Colleen Bennett from the Fontana Restaurant was on, as the celebrity chef, & that helps to advertise that lovely friendly little town, where everyone mixes so well.
I'm from Holywood ( remember Oul John Delaney???) & the laughs we had at school.It's lovely to see how the town is doing & to see that you have a jazz festival, as we now have here in Nairn, Scotland.Nairn is very like Holywood, but I miss the wheaten bread!!!
Say hello to anyone who knew me, as I don't go over very often now that my parents have gone - but take care & love to all. It would be great to hear the news - what about a newsletter via email to those of us far away? An idea?
Keep up the good work!
Marie Cruickshank(Delaney)
Remote User:
Date: 20 Nov 2002
Time: 20:28:56
it would be great if raymond got his axxe into gear and served some good pints of mister frosty without having to wait all night or being told I heard you first time !!!!!

Name: George and Kathleen
Place: Madison Wisconsin USA
Hello to Brian, Raymond, Eamonn and Aaron.
Enjoying Thanksgiving over in Freezing Wisconsin.
Say hello to Mary and Davy when they come in.
When Carlie and Marie come in ask Charlie to buy a round of drink (for Gods sake!)
See you next week
All the best
George and Kathleen
ps miss the Guiness

Name: kevinbreslin
Remote User:
Date: 01 Dec 2002
Time: 11:42:01
after my last pint i rushed out the door into the arms of a belfast beauty.back in newyork working. i'll be back soon for another pint and the beauty will be with me,
kevin breslin

Name: George and Kathleen
Remote User:
Date: 01 Dec 2002
Time: 19:20:49
Hello to Brian, Raymond, Eamonn and Aaron.
Enjoying Thanksgiving over in Freezing Wisconsin.
Say hello to Mary and Davy when they come in.
When Charlie and Marie come in ask Charlie to buy a round of drink (for Gods sake!)
See you next week
All the best
George and Kathleen
ps miss the Guinness

Name: John Wagner
Remote User:
Date: 12 Dec 2002
Time: 16:38:52
I could murder a pint! Cheers,
Raymond, Tony & Family

Name: Emer Campbell
Remote User:
Date: 17 Dec 2002
Time: 10:00:04
Maybe some day that son of yours might actually take me to that lovely bar of yours!!! Website is great. Should have more pictures of you though (maybe you and a certain Mr Ahern, eh???).
Pass on my well wishes for Christmas and 2003 to Corina and the rest of the gang!

Name: Peter Lorimer
Remote User:
Date: 24 Dec 2002
Time: 12:47:49
24th Dec 2002 20:45
Merry Christmas one and all and a pint of Bass for Simon!
Peter, Singapore

Name: Noel Moynes
Remote User:
Date: 02 Jan 2003
Time: 03:03:21
G'Day Mates from Down Under,
Have a happy New Year from Alan Maura & Rachael Simpson, Noel, Siobhan, & Connel Moynes. We are having a great time here in Brisbane and look forward to catching up with you soon. Don't forget to keep Connel's tips in a seperate jar!! well out of Benny's reach.
Great Website, we can nearly taste the Guinness and shake Jackie O's hand.
Best wishes
Noel and Siobhan Moynes
Brisbane Qld Australia

Name: Tony
Remote User:
Date: 02 Jan 2003
Time: 17:24:46
Happy New Year, Raymond, Brian and Eamonn.
See you in a couple of weeks,

Name: Paul Shiels
Remote User:
Date: 09 Jan 2003
Time: 16:37:11
Brian, Raymond and Eamonn, Happy New Year from Glasgow.
Great to see some pics of the bar, especially the one of Brian and Ned-it reminded me of my first night in the bar and brought back many memories of living at home. Hope to see you all in the summer as usual. I have some video footage of the bar during the 1996 world cup, I send it on to you.
Paul Shiels

PS. Please bar my Ma before I come back so as I can drink in peace!
Name: doug & bernie
Remote User:
Date: 29 Jan 2003
Time: 11:57:39
just want to say hi and thank malachy duffy for the neds bar polo shirts,,,
(father christmas)

Remote User:
Date: 03 Feb 2003
Time: 23:47:30
Dear Brian & crew
I received an e-mail from a Peter Carty today, asking for info on a man called Arty Burns but I can't help, he had my address but didn't know I was female........quite a mystery.
Like your new website.
Give everyone my regards
Madeline Daly (Dunlop)

Remote User:
Time: 16:39:17
what about the new door ???
MAJOR alterations the old BAR will not be the same again !!!
Name: Big john
Remote User:
Time: 10:49:32
To the best pub I've been in, well done the Carty boys. A pub that gets it right, putting people, stout racing and craic in the correct order, I still think Scotland will win the 6 nations championship!! Then again I would, wouldnt I. ...............Sharon, Terry is still behavin, dont worry
Big John Bremner ( MY left Foot)
Name: Lynn Matthew
Remote User:
Time: 13:01:51
To everyone I met in Ned's bar during my short stay in Holywood, I would like to say a big thank you for making me feel so welcome. Especially Raymond, Eamonn, and the wee guy behind the bar who I think is called Aaron, (Brian - where were you????, hope you are feeling better, disappointed I never met you), also to John, Barney Brendan, Brendan T & Michael Mc Kibben - thanks for the stories guys, I'm still sore from laughing.
Please take care of Big John Bremner and send him home if he's had too much Guinness 'cause it's hard to leave such a nice bar and it's people no matter how drunk you are getting - I should know!!!
Hope I see you all again one day,

Remote User:
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Time: 21:04:48
what about a coat of paint or two ? on the new door ! no expense spared ?
where is Lennox ?

Name: chasjmcg
Remote User:
Date: 03 Mar 2003
Time: 20:42:14
My mother's family (O' Kane's) were the 2nd owners of the Maypole Bar.
I hope to visit there someday.
Glad to see the place is still going strong !
Chas. Mc G.

Name: Maura Delaney( maiden name)
Place: Nairn, near Inverness, Scotland
Hello all & have a very happy Easter. I have just had a lovely
email from Madeleine Dunlop in Sydney, Australia.
We were all together in the same class as Brian & Mary Carty. Any news from the rest of that class - Christopher Townsend, Madeleine Nancarrow, Betty McIlroy, Hugh(Hughie) Miller etc? My da was the teacher!! I was hit 1st to show how fair he was!!! The stick is now on the roof of the cinema as far as I know! Who put it there??? Anything to do with Brian Carty??? Would love to hear the news. Any of you in Scotland? Take care & love to all.
Maura Delaney
( now Marie - much easier to explain spellings etc) .........Married name Cruickshank.
Name: Maura Delaney( maiden name)
Place: Nairn, near Inverness, Scotland
Happy Easter to all. I was in the class with Brian Carty.
Any news from the rest of that class - Christopher Townsend, Madeleine Nancarrow, Betty McIlroy, Hugh(Hughie) Miller etc? My da was the teacher!! I was hit 1st to show how fair he was!!! The stick is now on the roof of the cinema as far as I know! Who put it there??? Anything to do with Brian Carty??? Would love to hear the news. Any of you in Scotland? Take care & love to all.
Maura Delaney (now Cruickshank)
Remote User:
Date: 24 Apr 2003
Time: 21:22:19
That Bremner fella is in everything bar the church crib
( do you no harm to go to the church, sure it wakens you every Sunday morning )
Name: Big John
Remote User:
Time: 08:14:29
I am in darkest Nigeria still but bless you for putting Mighty 'Mo' Black in the National pictures he was fair hurt about being missed out.
Brian I have now tried Nigerian Guinness and it is rank rotten!!
Name: Franco
Remote User:
Time: 23:56:18
Hi, hope you are all well, I just thought someone better mention the great pints of Harp, as everyone else is praising the stout! looking forward to xmas already.

T1: John, Toronto
B1: Submit
Regards to everyone in one of the finest pubs in Ireland, can almost taste the Harp from here..........Seasons greetings
T1: Hullaballoo
B1: Submit
Is that Big John Bremner not away home for
Hogmanay...or some other Scottish ritual.......
T1: Perth, Australia.
B1: Submit

HI to all at Ned's in Holywood from the Johnston family far away in Perth, Australia.
There's nowhere here to touch the oul pint
of stout in Ned's, but we do have sunshine
Happy New Year
B1: Submit

Hi all, was in your pub a few times when I was home in N. Ireland for Xmas, and I can tell you I loved it.
The Guinness was just super, thank you so much for the nice time in your pub ,
Ernie Stevenson in Holland.
B1: Submit

Hello all at Neds, Many a nice afternoon I spent in the company of Big Joe Kelly or my wife Anne. The beer was good as was the craic and it was (and probably still is) one of the most professional and attentive bars in Ulster. I look forward to my next visit home.
Ian Murray
North Wales
B1: Submit
Brian, Eamonn and Raymond
I have some serious news, the rules regarding the use of mobile phones within the bar were broken last night by Mo Black and his motley crew. As you know I am working in Azerbaijan at the moment and we are 4 hours ahead out here. Morrice rang me last night at 10.15pm your time which was 02.15 am for me!! They of course disturbed my very necessary beauty sleep and i feel they should be banned from the establishment forthwith. Show no leniancy Brian as Mo already has a fairly blemished record. How are things Lads, i am missing the bar and the craic, I hope you and your families are all well. I will be home on the 24th February and cant wait for a pint.
Cheers Big John Bremner.
Sharon, I am not afraid to declare my undying love for you on the website
T1: Stevie Johnston
B1: Submit

Currently in
OZ on a year out, but after only 5 weeks, I'm missing a pint of your lipsmackin' Guinness .....still only another 47 weeks to go.........G'day
B1: Submit
hello Brian just found your site nice one see you all June 4
good luck
alex close
B1: Submit
Hello paps, post me a pint (or 10) please?
Message for Frankie - Hey Florence can i push your stool in?
T1: josephdyer199@hotmail.comG
B1: Submit

Hola, from sunny Majorca. Hope you are all well.
Regards to jackie,jed,albert,brendan,james and anyone else who knows me.
One Cool Cat for the 2000 gns (brian will like that, not a lot)
B1: Submit

Great photos of the Star and Garter. I was ten when we moved out on 1st January 1970. It's all part of the 'new' railway embankement now!
Mick Fealty
B1: Submit

Hello everyone at Ned's bar
Ernie here from Holland , I was in your bar at Xmas with my girlfriend Joyce.
I loved the Guinness there so much I will be back on Wed 9th June for more of that black magic ,any hope you are all doing well ,see you wed ,
all the best from Holland.
B1: Submit
It brought a lump to my throat to see a picture of my granda Ned standing behind the bar at the Star & Garter - never seen it before. The first place we head when we arrive back from Oz is Ned's. Have many happy memories since childhood of times spent there. There was always a free club orange and packet of cheese & onion on offer when you were a kid....Ned's spirit will always be there.
Cheers Katherine Allan (McElroy)
B1: Submit

Flo - I'm with you on that one - if only the website could serve a pint of Harp. This Milwaukee Miller is like water.
Dan Carty from the U S A
Email address:
This looks like a right lively, friendly little pub, and if there's a CARTY in the house, I'll say quite a chatty one too. If I ever get overseas, I'll have to stop in & say hello to all the (not too distant) next of kin....................

Hi everyone,
Just a quick message on Chrimbo Eve from us out here in Azerbaijan, to say Merry Christmas (have a few pints for us tonight, wish we were there!) and we look forward to seeing you all next week, to catch up, and celebrate the New Year with you. Lots of love, Sharon and John xx
P.S. The party at the house on the 1st is still on....hope you're all still coming!
Submitted by: Sara Bremner
Email address:
Comment: Hey all,
John Bremner's daughter here, Sara!!
Only some of you will know me. I visited Holywood last week over New Year and had a fantastic time, Neds bar is top class, everyone is so friendly and welcoming! 10 out of 10!!! Will be back to see you all soon for the CRAIC!!!!! Take
Submitted by: Randy Hall
Email address:
Subject: Order/Enquiry/Request
This is a link to the back of my hockey goalie mask.
My wife Joanne(nee McKinney) can't believe that I had this done. I am looking forward to our next visit to Ned's.
This is the rest of the mask.
Randy Hall
Time: 3:27 PM EST
Submitted by: paul syner
Email address:
Subject: Order/Enquiry/Request
Popped into 'Neds' feb this year with my family, the mcguckians, the moynes and the tully's. Great craic.
Loved the dropped pint of guinness. Pure genius.
Paul Syner
Time: 10:54 AM EST
Submitted by: David Archer
Email address:
Comment: - A fantastic pub in a lovely town...I miss it a lot.
I'd still be going there now if I didn't mess things up with the lovely Janey Murray.
Cracking guinness...all the best!
Submitted by: garth auden
Email address:
Subject: Order/Enquiry/Request
Comment: Very traditional established bar. Very hard to find a bar of this caliber..
Comment - Been first time in your place last night, with some friends from the cycling club, great atmosphere and a great place for a chat...don't find pubs likes yours anymore around here, worth a visit.
Greetings from Ards
Maggie & Dany Blondeel Ards cycling club
email =
email =
Comment = Very good site, congratulations!
Visitor_name = John Smiley
e-mail =
comments =
Its the only pub i miss haven't had a drink for 8 years. Hope to see you soon, life in Philly is good
Smiley Miley
visitor_name = Lu Mclaughlin
e-mail =
comments = Best bar in Holywood as far as my granda's concerned!!........Friendly staff 2!
Lu (Leitrim)